The Anguanes tries to please the Moog Magister by setting a party to celebrating his 301st birthday, but he ended up destroy everything for being frustrated to not having monsters for his potion and spells. Emily brought Hector Sinistro, and can help him get to the Ancient Armory by going to the Hundred and First Door. The Tamer were having party to celebrating the end of the school year in the Ancient Armory, but it was short lived when the Hundred and First Door was open to releasing the lava form the inside. Zick tries to stop Moog Magister from capturing Bombolo for eating his magical bag that contains all the Domboxes in the crypt, and to stop Hector Sinistro when he acquired the Scepter Dom to control all monsters to his will.
Le Anguane cercano di compiacere il Moog Magister organizzando una festa per celebrare il suo 301esimo compleanno, ma lui distrugge tutto. Emily aiuta Hector Sinistro a raggiungere l'Antica Armeria attraverso la Centunesima Porta.
Zick sta festeggiando la fine dell'anno scolastico nell'Antica Armeria, quando dalla Centunesima Porta entra la lava di un vulcano. Zick cerca di impedire a Moog Magister di catturare Bombolo, che ha mangiato la sua borsa magica contenente tutti i Dombox, e di fermare Hector Sinistro che riesce a ottenere lo SpettroDom per controllare tutti i mostri.