If Gail can’t turn Dan's reckless spending around, this new family will fall apart before they even get started...
Mike has shopped his family into a mountain of debt. Can Gail convince this hoarder that the future of his relationship depends on him parting with his prized possessions?
Jennifer has been raising a house full of children, as partner Bryan would rather spend on booze and smokes than contribute to his family
Since the birth of their children, Jessica has been spending out of control and hiding her debts from Chris. Can Gail get to the root of her problem before the secrecy tears this couple apart?..
Dan’s been keeping his wife Lisa on a strict allowance while he’s been racking up debt. Can Gail help to restore financial balance to this relationship before it’s too late?
Valerie's been spoiling her children at the expense of her own financial future. Can Gail knock some sense into this family before Valerie's dreams of retirement are beyond saving?