In 1973, the border conflicts arose again in the Middle East. Egypt and Syria coordinated a surprise attack on Israel, who mobilized troops, technology and tactics with speed and precision.
Arab nations united in antagonism with the goal of wiping Israel off of the map during the 6 Day War. In one of the largest battles in the history of armored warfare, Israel devastatingly demonstrated its military might.
Iraqi troops stormed Iran in 1980, expecting an easy victory. The Iranians rallied however, using, their much-larger population, and were able to push the invaders out.
In 1982, The Lebanon based Palestinian Liberation Organization began infiltrating Israeli borders with attacks that brought swift and powerful reprisals. Massive artillery and mortar attacks were traded across the border.
Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait resulted in more than one million troops facing off against each other in the desert of the Persian Gulf. The Allied Coalition's air war, known as Operation Desert Storm, involved the most sophisticated technological weaponry available.
The very nature of terrorism has changed. Suicide Bombings, Hijacking, violent attacks, and the taking of hostages has become the standard.