In Paris, we meet the former house slave Rania, who came to France from Morocco as a child. Acquaintances of her family promised her a future in Paris, with education and a place to live. Instead she had to work for free as a maid and a babysitter. A childhood characterized by forced labour, violence and deprivation of liberty. And no education. Rania is today an adult and gets help with taking her former slave holder to law. Children in the sex industry are a direct result of attitudes to sex among men who are leading thousands of children into a life as sex slaves. Both Sino and La Thiya have experienced men who have exploited them grossly, without any form of payment. Their stories are close and moving. Today they're both working for a centre who are helping women to get out of sexual slavery.
In Asia, we find the most widespread form of slavery. Debt bondage. This must not be confused with the type of debt bondage that we know from the West. In India we meet people who have been lured to rural districts, against an advance that they spend months or years to pay off. Often the slaves are illiterates and completely at their "owners'" mercy. The products they make are exported to the rest of the world, giving us cheap goods. In Africa child soldiers are being kidnapped by the liberation army LRA in Uganda. They're forced to commit gruesome acts and receive no payment. Those who survive and are liberated by the goverment forces, are offered help at centres for former child soldiers. Here they get treatment and help with getting back to their families.
Trafficking is the most well-known form of modern slavery. It brings millions of people to countries where they often are promised work, a place to live and a better future. The Gutu sisters thought they were going to work with old people, but instead they were forced into prostitution when arriving in Turkey. When one of the women becamomes very ill, it's her sister who has to work for both, so she can return to Moldova. One year later she was free to be reunited with her family. We follow the sisters in the process when they're taking the traffickers to law.