Episode 1 of Modern Explorer! Massive collections of artifacts found on expeditions are a thing of the past. Today, explorers document rather than collect on their travels, sharing their adventures in a more sustainable and responsible fashion. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère as she discovers just how much has changed in the world of exploration.
Episode 2 of Modern Explorer! How does a species survive in a remote place like the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic Ocean? Adaptation! Colors, patterns, and body shape are just some of the ways animals in the Falkland islands have adapted that help them survive in an unforgiving landscape. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère on this episode of Modern Explorer to learn more!
Episode 3 of Modern Explorer! Penguins, ducks, skuas, oh my! The Falkland islands may not be huge but they certainly make up for it with biodiversity - especially when it comes to birds. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère as she explores the diversity of birds throughout land, sea, and air.
Episode 4 of Modern Explorer! Where the howling ocean meets the coast you'll find the nesting site you'll find one of the most prominent travelers of Falkland Islands: the Black-browed Albatross. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère to learn more about this amazing bird and just what it takes to live in such an unpredictable environment.
Episode 5 of Modern Explorer! It's time to meet the locals. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère as she meets one of the noisiest neighbors of South Georgia: king penguins! From tackling tough mud to deep diving in the Atlantic, learn just what it takes to live like a king penguin.
Episode 6 of Modern Explorer! Dive into the world of king penguins with National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère. From courtship rituals to raising their young to feeding their growing chicks, there is never a dull moment within the massive king penguin colony!
Episode 7 of Modern Explorer! Elephant seals are hard to miss. Whether it's their massive size, memorable appearance or questionable smell, these large carnivores certainly take center stage on the beaches of South Georgia. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère as she learns about these crazy creatures and some of their friendlier cousins, fur seals!
Episode 8 of Modern Explorer! Humans can have a big impact on their surroundings. On the island of South Georgia that impact came in the form of mismanaging resources and a lack of scientific understanding. However, like so many other natural places, South Georgia has found a way to adapt and bounce back. Join National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère as she learns about South Georgia's dark past and it's very bright future.
Episode 9 of Modern Explorer! One hundred years ago Ernest Shackleton trekked across the glaciers of the Antarctic to discover new places. Today National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère treks across those same locations but with far fewer glaciers. Learn how our climate has changed over the last one-hundred years.