All Seasons

Season 9

  • S09E01 Mòd na Cloinne Part 1

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    An cothrom coimhead còmhla ri Cathy NicDhòmhnaill air cuid dhen òigridh leis an do shoirbhich aig Mòd na Cloinne air latha an luchd-ionnschachaidh. Tha am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail anns an Òban agus abair deagh latha a bh'ann leis an fheadhainn òga. Chì sibh luchd-buannachd bhon latha, nam measg na seinneadairean a bhuannaich na prìomh dhuaisean airson luchd-ionnsachaidh, Bonn Cuimhneachan Sheumais C Mhic a' Phì. Cathy MacDonald presents some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod in Oban. Monday is the day the young Gaelic-speaking learners are to the fore and winners from most of the competitions can be seen and enjoyed, including the winners of the prestigious James C MacPhee medals.

  • S09E02 Mòd na Cloinne Part 2

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    An cothrom coimhead còmhla ri Cathy NicDhòmhnaill air cuid dhen òigridh leis an do shoirbhich aig a dàrna latha de Mhòd na Cloinne anns an Òban nuair a bhios clann fhileanta a' gabhail pàirt. Anns a' phrògram-sa, chì sibh luchd-buannachd bhon latha, nam measg, an nighean 's an gille a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. Cathy MacDonald presents some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod in Oban. Tuesday is primarily when the young gaelic speakers compete for the prizes, and most of the winners from the day will perform in this show, including the young girl and boy who won the esteemed Comunn Gàidhealach Silver Medals.

  • S09E03 Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich - Part 1

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail anns an Òban, bidh Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh na farpais airson Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. Còmhla ri Cathy, bidh an seinneadair ainmeil Anna Latharna NicGillìosa a' toirt seachad a beachd air na farpaisich bhon chuairt-deireannaich. Cuideachd sa phrògram, chì sibh cuid de dh'fharpaisich shoirbheachail bhon latha. Nam measg, bidh luchd-glèidhidh nan Aigeallan Airgid. Live coverage from the Royal National Mod in Oban as Cathy MacDonald presents the Comunn Gàidhealach gold medal competition for singing. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, is acclaimed singer and previous winner of the competition Anne Lorne Gillies. She offers her own thoughts on the performances as well as her opinion on the final result. Also featured on the show are the winners of the solo competitions throughout the day. Amongst the talented performers are the winners of the Silver Pendant for adult learners.

  • S09E04 Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich - Part 2

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail anns an Òban, bidh Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh na farpais airson Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. Còmhla ri Cathy, bidh an seinneadair ainmeil Anna Latharna NicGillìosa a' toirt seachad a beachd air na farpaisich bhon chuairt-deireannaich. Cuideachd sa phrògram, chì sibh cuid de dh'fharpaisich shoirbheachail bhon latha. Nam measg, bidh luchd-glèidhidh nan Aigeallan Airgid. Live coverage from the Royal National Mod in Oban as Cathy MacDonald presents the Comunn Gàidhealach gold medal competition for singing. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, is acclaimed singer and previous winner of the competition Anne Lorne Gillies. She offers her own thoughts on the performances as well as her opinion on the final result. Also featured on the show are the winners of the solo competitions throughout the day. Amongst the talented performers are the winners of the Silver Pendant for adult learners.

  • S09E05 Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail anns an Òban, bidh Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh na farpais airson Buinn Òir a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich. Còmhla ri Cathy, bidh an seinneadair ainmeil Anna Latharna NicGillìosa a' toirt seachad a beachd air na farpaisich bhon chuairt-deireannaich. Cuideachd sa phrògram, chì sibh cuid de dh'fharpaisich shoirbheachail bhon latha. Nam measg, bidh luchd-glèidhidh nan Aigeallan Airgid. Live coverage from the Royal National Mod in Oban as Cathy MacDonald presents the Comunn Gàidhealach gold medal competition for singing. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, is acclaimed singer and previous winner of the competition Anne Lorne Gillies. She offers her own thoughts on the performances as well as her opinion on the final result. Also featured on the show are the winners of the solo competitions throughout the day. Amongst the talented performers are the winners of the Silver Pendant for adult learners.

  • S09E06 Buinn Òir an t-Seann Nòis - Part 1

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh farpais a' bhuinn òir airson seinn san t-Seann Nòs beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail. Còmhla ri Cathy bidh Morag Dhòmhnallach agus Art MacCarmaig a' toirt seachad am beachdan air na seinneadairean. Cathy MacDonald presents coverage of the traditional gold medal competition for singing, from the Royal National Mod in Oban. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, will be Morag MacDonald and Art Cormack.

  • S09E07 Buinn Òir an t-Seann Nòis - Part 2

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh farpais a' bhuinn òir airson seinn san t-Seann Nòs beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail. Còmhla ri Cathy bidh Morag Dhòmhnallach agus Art MacCarmaig a' toirt seachad am beachdan air na seinneadairean. Cathy MacDonald presents coverage of the traditional gold medal competition for singing, from the Royal National Mod in Oban. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, will be Morag MacDonald and Art Cormack.

  • S09E08 Buinn Òir an t-Seann Nòis

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh farpais a' bhuinn òir airson seinn san t-Seann Nòs beò bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail. Còmhla ri Cathy bidh Morag Dhòmhnallach agus Art MacCarmaig a' toirt seachad am beachdan air na seinneadairean. Cathy MacDonald presents coverage of the traditional gold medal competition for singing, from the Royal National Mod in Oban. Along with Cathy, providing analysis of the competition, will be Morag MacDonald and Art Cormack.

  • S09E09 Episode 5

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh blas de Mhòd nan Còisirean bhon latha mu dheireadh de Mhòd an Òbain. A luib eile, chì sibh cò bhuannaich Geall-dùbhlain Esme Nic a' Ghobhainn, Sgiath Mhuile agus Idhe, Cuach Cuimhneachdan Mairead NicDhonnchaidh agus prìomh fharpais an latha, Sgiath MhicShimidh agus Thulaich Bhàrdainn. Cathy MacDonald presents coverage of the choral competitions from the last day of the Oban Mod. Amongst the choirs featured are the winners of the Esme Smyth Trophy, the Mull and Iona Shield, the Margrat Duncan Memorial Trophy and the main prize of the day, the Lovat and Tullibardine Shield.

  • S09E10 Episode 6

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cothrom coimhead air ais còmhla ri Cathy NicDhòmhnaill air cuid dhen òigridh leis an do shoirbhich aig Mòd na Cloinne anns an Òban as t-fhoghar, ged a bha e na bu choltaiche ri samhradh! Agus gu dearbh bha ghrian a' dearrsadh air na farpaisich òga bho Dhisathuirne aig farpuisean nan ionnstramaidean ciùil gu Diciadain nuair a chriochnaich na farpaisean bàrdachd. Chì sibh taghadh dhen luchd-buannachd bho gach latha, nam measg na seinneadairean a bhuannaich na prìomh dhuaisean airson luchd-ionnsachaidh, Buinn Airgid Cuimhneachain Sheumais Mhic a' Phì, agus an nighean 's an gille a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich - Emily NicDhonnchaidh agus Ruairidh Gray. Cathy MacDonald offers another opportunity to enjoy some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod held in Oban in autumn 2015. The premier Gaelic music and language festival got off to a great start, not just with the weather, but also with the impressive children's competitions. Saturday was the first day

  • S09E11 Episode 7

    • December 26, 2015
    • BBC ALBA

    Cothrom coimhead air ais còmhla ri Cathy NicDhòmhnaill air na còisirean a bhuannaich aig Mòd an Òbain. Cluinnidh sinn bho na còisirean gu lèir a bha a' feuchainn anns an fharpais airson Sgiath MhicShimidh is Thulaich Bhàrdain agus iadsan a thog leotha dhachaigh e - Còisir Ghàidhlig an Òbain. Cuideachd anns a' phrògram-sa, an cothrom blasad fhaighinn dheth gach còisir a ghabh pàirt sna farpaisean airson Cuach Cuimhneachan Mairead NicDhonnchaidh, Sgiath Latharna agus Cuach Cuimhneachan an t-Siorram MacMhaighstir Caimbeul agus òrain bho leithid Còisir Sgìr a' Bhac, Coisir Ghaidhlig Mhealabhaich, Còisir Ghàidhlig Ileach Ghlaschu agus Còisir Ghàidhlig nan Loch. Cathy MacDonald offers another opportunity to enjoy some of the successful performers from the choral competitions at the Mod in Oban. The Mod returned to Oban for the 16th time, and the choral competitions were again keenly contested with a high standard of singing for each prize. This programme shows all the choirs who took part