Mayfly reveals Cima's backstory in flashbacks as she reflects on her past prior to the events of Episode 13. It reveals that Cima and her unit poisoned a Side 5 colony using G-3 nerve gas, under orders, but were treated as pariahs afterwards by their own countrymen for committing such an atrocity. At the end of the war her superior refused to let her retreat to Axis. Because their home colony Mahal had been converted into a weapon, Cima and her men were left stranded and homeless.
Mayfly revela la historia de fondo de Cima en flashbacks mientras reflexiona sobre su pasado antes de los eventos del Episodio 13. Revela que Cima y su unidad envenenaron una colonia del Lado 5 usando gas nervioso G-3, bajo órdenes, pero fueron tratados como parias después por su propios compatriotas por cometer semejante atrocidad. Al final de la guerra, su superior se negó a dejarla retirarse al Eje. Debido a que su colonia natal, Mahal, se había convertido en un arma, Cima y sus hombres se quedaron varados y sin hogar.