Letzte Episode. Seit dem letzten Kampf zwischen der Celestial Being und den UN Gruppen sind vier Jahre vergangen. Um die Rechte und Anliegen der Menschen weiter zu unterstützen und die Gemüter der Überlebenden zu beschwichtigen, wird eine unabhängige Armee, die A-Laws gegründet. In der Realität herrschen jedoch weiter unmenschliche Zustände und Setsuna F. Seiei beschließt, erneut mit seinem Gundam gegen die Unterdrückung zu kämpfen.
In the final confrontation between Setsuna and Ribbons, the 00 Raiser is heavily damaged by Ribbons and the other Innovators; however, assistance from the other Meisters even the odds. In the ensuing chaos, Allehujah and Hallelujah work together to defeat Hilling Care, while Lockon narrowly manages to kill Revive Revival. Eventually, Ribbons and Setsuna damage each other to the point where neither one can continue fighting. However, Ribbons manages to steal one of the 00's GN Drives, which was 0 Gundam's, and places it in the abandoned 0 Gundam. Setsuna, in turn, takes the remaining GN Drive and installs it back into the Exia. After another difficult duel, Ribbons and Setsuna run through each other with their swords but Setsuna emerges the victor. In the epilogue, the Federation undergoes reforms as its new president disbands A-Laws and pushes for better global peace; Saji and Louise rekindle their relationship; Allelujah and Marie have left Celestial Being to search for the meaning of their existence; Andrei Smirnov stays in the military to preserve peace like his father and mother; Patrick Colasour and Brigidier-General Kati Mannequin marry; Klaus and Shirin work as politicians in the Federation Assembly; Marina returns with the children to lead a rebuilt Azadistan; Graham Aker is seen visiting Billy Katagiri in his office; Lockon and Setsuna leave with Celestial Being (who are still considered dangerous due to their refusal to disband) to space and Tieria disappears into Veda to watch over the world.
La lumière de Setsuna a permis aux principaux conflits entre pilotes de se résoudre. En tant que véritable Innovator, il se dresse comme l'espoir de l'humanité et s'oppose une bonne fois pour toutes à Ribbons Almark, le grand responsable des derniers massacres perpétrés par les Forces Autonomes du Maintien de la Paix. Qui des deux incarne réellement le Projet d'Aeolia Schenberg ?
刹那的00强化模组与利冯兹驾驶的MS 再生加农对峙。面对自称要领导人类的利冯兹,刹那展开攻击。另一方面,在托勒密号上,身体状态恢复的雷瑟回到舰桥,为了支援刹那而再度出动船舰。即使担心玛莉的安危,阿里路亚仍驾驶堕天使再战,与撒祖斯做出了断的莱尔则驾驶中度损伤的智天使再度回到战场。