Während einer vereinten Andacht gedenkt die Human Reform League den Soldaten, die in den letzten Angriffen ihr Leben geben mussten. Sergei Smirnov übernimmt das Kommando eines neuen Teams, um die Gundams endlich zu zerstören.
Colonel Sergei returns to the Reform League to head a new squad designated for capturing one of the Gundams, with Soma Peries as his designated subordinate. Encouraged by Celestial Being's anti-conflict actions, the South American nation of Taribia declares its withdrawal from the Union and declares it independence over the control of energy resources, prompting a Union military response, forcing Celestial Being to intervene. In Azadistan (In the territory of Iran), Shirin Bakhtiar explains to First Princess Marina Ismail that the conflict is not as simple as it may first seem. Meanwhile, the Anti-Gundam Investigative Squad, in Flag Customs, engage Exia in Taribian airspace. Later on, pro-Taribian separatist politicians led by its prime minister are forced to drop their bid for independence after their forces were defeated by the Gundam Meisters.
La 3e intervention de Celestial Being sur l'île de Ceylan ayant causé la mort de nombreux soldats, les membres de Celestial Being sont très rapidement considérés comme des terroristes. Du côté de la LRH, une unité anti-Gundam se forme autour du lieutenant-colonel Sergeï Smirnov. Mais ce dernier se voit confier une jeune fille, Soma Périès, sortant tout droit de l'Institut de Recherches Surhumaines.
El coronel Sergei vuelve a la Liga de la Reforma humana para liderar un nuevo escuadrón cuya mision es capturar a uno de los Gundams. Animados por las acciones de Celestial Being, la nación sudamericada de Taribia declara su separacion de la Unión y su independencia sobre el control de las fuentes de energia solar,con el objetivo de forzar una respuesta armada y la consecuente intervención favorable de Celestial Being.
托勒密号上的乘组员们,透过萤幕观看人革连领地内所举办的阵亡人员追悼会。众人忧心人革连反而会因此加强军事力量,不过提耶利亚只冷冷地说道,唯有持续进行武力介入,才能达到根除纷争的目标。而实际上,人革连高层派了一位少女加入施米洛夫的部队中,作为对抗高达的王牌。葛拉汉等人的部队也有数名优秀驾驶员加入。 就在世界各国逐渐取得对抗高达共识的过程中,原本隶属联合旗下的南美国家“塔利比亚”,突然主张该国应拥有能源供给权,并且宣告将自联合中独立。为了牵制塔利比亚国内的震汤局势,联合也派遣了部队前往该国。在这个举世瞩目的情势中,高达展开了行动。