While on a recovery mission in the Sea of Lorelei, Olba Frost and an Orc captain named Marcus Guy come across a mysterious woman in a sealed container resting on the bottom of the ocean floor. Unsure as to who she is, Olba contacts his brother for information, and as the two brothers try to resolve what is going on the Orc submarine that Olba is on encounters the Freeden. Lead by Tiffa, the Freeden comes under attack by the Orc ship and its mobile suits, the Gundams holding out till Olba enters the battle in his own Gundam.
Captured by the massive scissor claws of the Ashtaron, Garrod is helpless in its grasp till all power to his mobile suits and those around him mysteriously shuts off. While on the bridge of the Freeden, Tiffa stands before Jamil and introduces herself as Lucille Liliant...
잠수함을 조종하는 오르크 마커스 일당과 함께 로렐라이의 바다로 불리는 해역으로 향한 오르바는 지난 대전에서 사용된 금단의 무기와 캡슐에 갇힌 수수께끼의 미녀를 인양한다.그 무렵 티파는 자밀에게 로렐라이 바다로 향하도록 요청했었다.
Mientras se encuentran en una misión de recuperación en el Mar de Lorelei, Olba Frost y un capitán orco llamado Marcus Guy se encuentran con una mujer misteriosa en un contenedor sellado que descansa en el fondo del fondo del océano. Inseguro de quién es ella, Olba contacta a su hermano para obtener información, y mientras los dos hermanos intentan resolver lo que está pasando en el submarino Orc en el que se encuentra Olba, se encuentra con Freeden.