Yukina Himuro (Tina Tamashiro) is a junior high student without any experience in love. She also secretly writes cell phone novels under a pen name. Yukina Himuro receives feedback from her readers that her stories lack romance. One day, she happens to read a notebook that belongs to Shigure Kitami (Yuta Koseki). He is popular with girls at her school and he carries himself as well mannered guy. Yukina Himuro discovers his secret in his notebook. She decides to take advantage of her discovery and gain material for her novel. She blackmails Shigure Kitami and gives him missions of love to perform.
- Do ×× To Me
- Watashi ni xx Shinasai
遠山えま氏の人気少女漫画「わたしに ××しなさい!」が、玉城ティナと小関裕太のダブル主演で実写映画&ドラマ化されることがわかった。「猫なんかよんでもこない。」「グッモーエビアン!」の山本透監督がメガホンをとり、映画版は初夏公開、ドラマ版は今春の放送を予定している。
Himuro Yukina é uma estudante sem nenhuma experiência amorosa que secretamente escreve romances para celular utilizando um pseudônimo. Mas seus leitores reclamam da falta de amor em suas histórias. Para escrever uma história de amor, Yukina decidi praticar em um jogo de simulação que seu editor lhe mostrou. E assim começa a história da nossa protagonista.
《绝对恋爱命令》(日语:わたしに××しなさい!)是日本漫画家远山绘麻的作品,于月刊少女漫画杂志《Nakayoshi》2009年6月号至2015年7月号连载。另外,在2010年《Nakayoshi lovely》(《Nakayoshi》增刊)冬季刊和春季刊上刊登了两话番外篇。此作荣获第36回讲谈社漫画赏(儿童部门),目前在日本销量达212万本。日版单行本第八至十卷特装版附赠广播剧,由日笠阳子、樱井孝宏、梶裕贵和竹达彩奈声演。于2018年3月推出真人版电视剧,由玉城蒂娜和小关裕太主演,剧集原版人班的电影版预定2018年6月23日上映。