Take a tour through Micky's mind as he digs into the issues occupying his thoughts. He starts by exploring dating and gender inequality.
Comedian Micky Flanagan explores snobbery and the British obsession with class as he tries to understand where he fits into the social strata.
Comedian Micky Flanagan delves into the difference between an underdog and a loser as he explores how he thinks the British people see themselves.
Micky explores the curious phenomenon of the midlife crisis, finding he displays nearly all of the top-40 signs you're going through one.
As a comic, the subject of offence is close to Micky's heart. But what is out of bounds? Sex, size, race, Donald Trump? Micky goes in search of answers.
Cockney comic Micky Flanagan explores the thorny yet comically rich issue of patriotism. And what better time than during Brexit...
What's a three-bird roast? And what's the sudden need for new sofa? Micky explores our craze for Christmas, training as Santa and finding strange traditions along the way.