All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 DANIEL in the Den | The Truth about the Holtzclaw Case Part 1

    • December 5, 2016
    • CRTV

    Chances are you've heard of convicted serial rapist Daniel Holtzclaw, the former Oklahoma City police officer. What if he didn't do it? Forget everything you thought you knew about this case, because it might not be true at all.

  • S01E02 DANIEL in the Den | The Truth about the Holtzclaw Case Part 2

    • December 5, 2016
    • CRTV

    The second and final installment of the investigation into the possible innocence of Daniel Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma Police officer convicted of rape.

  • S01E03 Black Lives Matter | From the Streets to the Classroom

    • December 5, 2016
    • CRTV

    The self-appointed leaders of Black Lives Matter say that all they want is for people to know more about the high-profile murders of black men and women at hands of police officers. But there is a not-so-hidden agenda behind this Marxist inspired revolutionary war on our peace officers. This episode explores the indoctrination taking place in public school classrooms that utilizes tax payer dollars, not only creating a new generation of anarchists, but also posing a severe threat to the education system.

  • S01E04 The Dark World of EB-5 | The $500,000 Visa Scam

    • December 5, 2016
    • CRTV

    If you thought illegal immigration was bad, wait until you learn about the U.S. citizenship for sale racket. Designed to create jobs and stimulate economic growth, the EB-5 Visa Program has been riddled with fraud and abuse since it was signed into law in November of 1990.