Food fight v. Cat fight! It’s high tide drama when Devin finds out her ex is paired with Finly for a class project. Searra can’t read her new crush, so she rigs her phone to the cafeteria sushi conveyor belt, in hopes of recording his true feelings. Turns out he’s crushing on a different merfriend, which drives a wedge between the MFF’s.
We got election drama, Merfriends! Searra is determined to win Student Council, but Catalina and Dev have other plans, sparking a bitter feud as campaign fever sets in. Who will you vote for!?
It’s the showdown you’ve been waiting for: Searra Vs Catalina. Who will win a spot on Student Council? The merfriends pull out all the stops at a Mermaid High beach party to convince everyone to vote for Searra… but who will win!?
Oh… my… cod. This is the most shocking mermaid moment of all time. Sea-riously, you’re not going to believe what happens. Searra plans the perfect Winter Fest party for Mermaid High but Devin and Catalina have plans of their own… revenge.
h20MG! Are the merfriends dead in the water!? Catalina and Devin dumped water on Searra and exposed her mermaid seacret identity to every student at Mermaid High. Now it’s up to the Cora and the merfriends to convince everyone it was an illusion. Buuut, will the other mermaids accidentally reveal their secret identity too!?
No human has ever seen where a mermaid lives. But that’s about to change! The merfriends surprise Cora with a special sea mask and invite her under the sea to visit their seacret hideout. What will Cora find when she’s inside the mermaid grotto!?