She is a true hero who has overcome the troubles and miseries dealt by her mean family and the big city. Her story starts in a small village but ends in Istanbul. Narin has had to overcome many difficulties to come to big city, but once she is there, her luck begins to turn… But the fate crosses her path with Deniz, the daughter of a very rich family; the two girls become good friends. Deniz helps Narin adapt to the life in Istanbul and Narin offers her a warm and true friendship in return. Deniz’s jealous younger sister Irmak, however, is determined to get back the sister she “lost” to Narin. She leaves her luxurious life in Switzerland and returns to İstanbul once and for all. However, Irmak is not alone. Her boyfriend Fırat, the handsome and successful assistant director of a big bank is by her side. Narin quickly realizes that Firat is her long lost lover and is greatly pained that Fırat does not seem to even recognize her. On top of all of this, her law firm takes on the case of Sermet Karayel, a shifty character that Fırat’s bank has given credit to. Narin is put in charge of the case, and as it turns out, Sermet is also a character from her past. However, Narin will soon find out that she is wrong and the love she thought was dead will be reborn from the ashes. It will be stronger than ever. But will the shadows of the past leave Narin in peace?
Narin yalnızca azmi ve başarısı sayesinde bütün zorluklardan, engellerden sıyrılıp, hiçbir destek ve torpil olmaksızın, kendi çabası ve alnının akıyla bir yerlere gelebilmiş genç bir kadın olacaktır. Acımasız ailesinin ve büyük şehrin darbelerine göğüs gerebilmiş, büyük bir kahramandır. Öykü küçük bir kasabada başlar ve İstanbul’a uzanır.
סדרה שבמרכזה סיפור אהבה תמים, בגידות ושאפתנות. עורך הדין המצליח פיראט פוגש את אהבת נעוריו האבודה, נרין, 13 שנה לאחר שנטשה את עיר הולדתה. בתקופת התיכון, פיראט ונרין היו בני זוג, פיראט הוא אהבתה הראשונה של נרין שמעולם לא שכחה. שובו של פיראט לחייה של נרין מאלץ אותה להתמודד עם עברה הטראומטי ולחפש את משפחתה האבודה.
Narin vit une enfance difficile dans une famille pauvre, avec sa petite sœur, son grand frère, sa mère et son père alcoolique et violent. Elle tente de sortir de cet environnement grâce aux études. C’était une élève brillante et pleine d’ambition qui a pour rêve d’étudier à l’université d’Istanbul, ce qu’elle parvient à faire en surmontant les épreuves qui s’offrent à elle. Dès qu’elle se rend à Istanbul, le destin de Narin commence à lui sourire, elle se trouve un abri, puis un travail. Elle fait aussi la connaissance de Deniz, fille d’une famille aisée, dont elle devient inséparable. Le temps passe, les deux amies vivent sous le même toit.
محامية ناجحة تلتقي بحب طفولتها المفقود بعد 13 عامًا من هجرها لمسقط رأسها الفقير وعائلتها المسيئة. يجبرها هذا اللقاء على التصالح مع ماضيها المؤلم والبحث عن عائلتها المفقودة ومصيرهم المأساوي.