영화 홍보차 정훈의 뉴스에 출연하게 된 하진.
정훈은 하진의 돌발 행동으로 인해 난감한 상황에 놓이게 되는데..
Watching the snow falling from the sky, Jeong Hoon thinks of a woman he passionately loved in the past. Meanwhile, Ha Jin is invited to be on Jeong Hoon's live TV news show. While everyone else on Ha Jin's team is worried about her being on Jeong Hoon's show, she seems to be thrilled. In their first encounter, Ha Jin's carefree and honest attitude takes Jeong Hoon aback.
Après avoir été vu en public avec Ha-jin, Jung-hoon est au centre des conversations. Il accepte à contrecœur de ne pas démentir les rumeurs relayées par les tabloïds.