Last Night: If you're reading this note, it means you have defeated and killed me. By doing so, you have just ended my shitstorm, closed my time loop and my journey has finally ended. Thanks to you, October 31st will be the last day of the shitstorm, and November 1st will be a regular day. You have saved this universe. But your journey is still ongoing. You still have to get rid of your timeline's shitstorm. In order to do so, loot my corpse and you will find some tools that will help you. It is your fate to do so. I know it because I have done it. And now it is your turn. Now you must be confused. Let me explain. I am Billy, harbinger of the shitstorm. You are also Billy. Despite not looking anything alike, despite your name may have not even Billy, I am your future self, and you are my past self. We are one and the same. I am Billy. You are Billy. He is Billy. She is Billy. Your mom is Billy. Your grandson is Billy. That classmate of yours who is named Billy is Billy. The devil is Billy. God is Billy. We're all Billies. And we are all the harbingers of the shitstorm. And that is why, all Billies must die. And so, go forth to fulfill our destiny, Billy. -Billy