Scarlett meets her biggest fan by crawling right through it, Jeff McBride changes the form of mass quicker than ever before, Kalin and Jinger put their act in a box, Farrell Dillon has fun with ropes on Hollywood Boulevard, Hillel becomes one with his equipment, Guy Bavli stops his own heart and attempts to make it start up again and much more...
Jason Byrne makes two differently colored balls change colors with each other, Dan Sperry makes an ordinary coin go into his left eye and come out of his right, Joe Skilton does an "inside-out" performance with a 1 dollar bill, Krystyn Lambert performs sensational street magic on Hollywood Boulevard, Kevin James turns an object on a piece of paper into a real object, Jonathan Levit has some laughs with DNA and much more...
Jason Byrne transforms a bird into a handkerchief inside a glass tube, Tom Burgoon has some laughs with balloons, Nathan Gibson entertains Hollywood Boulevard with a sensational card trick, Chris Randall does his own version of “52 Pick Up”, Aaron Radatz performs a “divided” trick, Fielding West tells us about one of his very first tricks and much more…
Joel Ward creates silhouettes inside empty boxes and then makes one of the shadows into a human, 15-year-old sensation Kyle Eschen has some laughs while doing what seems to be impossible with ropes, Farrell Dillon makes objects appear and re-appear in his hands in the blink of an eye and then defies the laws of gravity, Krystyn Lambert reads a volunteer’s mind to find out what card he took on Hollywood Boulevard, Johnny Ace Palmer transforms balls to baby chickens while under cups, Mark Cannon performs a death-defying trick involving the spikes of doom and much more…
Krystyn Lambert puts an assistant in a very small box only to shove knives into it afterwards, Levent has a lot of laughs with a few different tricks, Taylor Hughes does a “penetrating” performance, Zach Craehan-Mueller entertains Hollywood Boulevard with a drastic card trick, Joe Monti does a mind-opening illusion, Levent returns with more laughs while joking about “knot” and “not” and much more…
Nathan Burton helps an assistant change clothes in the blink of an eye, Krystyn Lambert unties a tie with CO2 on Hollywood Boulevard, Dave Cox does a new twist on the old bunny-in-the-hat trick, Scarlett makes a randomly selected audience member lie down and fly in the air, Johnny Ace Palmer proves that hands are quicker than the eye, Losander and an audience member makes a table levitate and much more…
Rick Thomas separates his performance, Tom Burgoon has some laughs while breaking the laws of logic and sound, Dale Salwak makes coins appear from nowhere, Dan Sperry does a mind-blowing coin trick on Hollywood Boulevard, Aaron Radatz makes curtains walk by themselves, Mac King ties up his performance in a way we’ve never seen before and much more…
Bruce Gold tangles and un-tangles clothes hangers, Dave Cox gives new meanings to the word “catapult”, Chase Curtis amazes Hollywood Boulevard with an outstanding rope performance, Levent has fun with his mouth and nose, Ed Alonzo does a hilarious card trick but deals with a devious little boy, Sean McMaster has an audience member pick a card only to run through the audience searching everywhere for it and much more…
Chase Curtis splits and spins an unbelievable performance; Patrick Martin puts a sheet in a small cage only to make the entire cage vanish in the blink of an eye, Mark Kornhauser does his own twist on an old ventriloquist trick, Adam Wylie performs sensational street magic on Hollywood Boulevard, Jeff Hobson has some laughs letting the audience decide what they want him to do, John Shryock levitates a woman wrapped in a sheet and then makes her disappear