In his quest to conquer the Universe, Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to create Battleworld, a planet made up of a patchwork of different world-continents where he has encapsulated all possible threats from across the Multiverse in Thanostones.
Throg, journeys to another part of the Battleworld and ends up in a place called New Quack City. While Thanos monitors the action, Throg must battle a new foe: the nefarious Pork Grind!
Loki schemes with Thanos to win back control of Thanos’ Battleworld, but what the Mad Titan doesn’t realize is that Loki is after a mythical weapon: The Twilight Sword.
Chasing down clues to stop Loki’s plans, Iron Man and Groot find themselves on Spider-Island and are surrounded by...eight-legged spider people everywhere!
Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Spider-Ham find themselves in the 2099 section of Battleworld searching for Loki and Thanos. But Loki is elsewhere...searching Odin’s vaults for the Twilight Sword.
While Iron Man teams with Iron Goblin to hack Battleworld’s portal system, Wanda and Loki travel to...the Collector’s Tower where they run into...Rocket!
Rocket, Wanda, and Loki puzzle out a way into the Collector’s Tower as Iron Man and Captain Marvel discover the Tower is Thanos’ ultimate destination. There’s a showdown coming!
In a massive battle over Battleworld at the Collector’s Tower, Thanos tries to acquire the Twilight Sword as Iron Man and Captain Marvel lead the heroes in a desperate struggle to stop him. Who will win this Battle for the future of Battleworld?!