Episode 3

In the final episode, Gogglebox's Steph and Dom, Ore Oduba, Christopher Biggins, Chris Ramsey and their other halves write a list of things their partners do that drive them up the wall before coming together to air their grievances for the very first time. Unsurprisingly, Christopher Biggins' partner thinks he talks too loudly, while Ore Oduba's wife wishes he could stay awake, Steph hates the way Dom breathes, and Chris Ramsey wants his wife to stop pooing in front of him! There are also more revelations from Joan Collins, Freddie Flintoff and Jon Richardson, and we also learn that the great British public are just as fed up with their partners' annoying traits and embarrassing habits, as we share more results of a nationwide survey.

  • Originally Aired September 12, 2017
  • Runtime 60 minutes
  • Network Channel 4
  • Notes Is the series finale
  • Created September 13, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 13, 2017 by
    Administrator admin