Badeurlaub auf den Philippinen? Von wegen - stattdessen kämpft Ed Stafford im fünftgrößten Inselstaat der Welt ums nackte Überleben. Der Brite wurde ohne Ausrüstung auf einem unbewohnten Eiland ausgesetzt. Dort ist es unerträglich heiß. Ein paar Kokosnüsse versorgen Ed fürs Erste mit Flüssigkeit, doch auf die Dauer kommt er damit nicht weit. Sauberes Trinkwasser muss her, und das möglichst schnell. Denn sonst droht der Survival-Spezialist, umgeben von Haien, Schlangen und Skorpionen, zu dehydrieren.
Ed is in The Philippines, on Coron Island, attempting to survive on a secluded beach. The seashore is covered in litter, potentially useful for survival but a depressing reminder of the state of our seas. Ed hasn’t been abandoned on an island since his ordeals on Naked and Marooned and, when he gets seriously ill, he starts to struggle with ghosts from the past. Lying on his sick bed of palm leaves, Ed realises that if he doesn’t push himself to find water and food quickly then his survival mission is over. Hemmed in by towering granite cliffs, he’s concerned there may be no fresh water to be found.
탐험가 에드 스태포드는 열흘간 가장 극한의 환경에서 고립된 채, 촬영할 카메라 2대 외에는 아무런 생존 도구도 없이 살아남는 모험에 도전한다. 이번엔 필리핀 코론섬으로 간다. 에드는 3년 전 무인도에서 60일간 생존 도전을 하며 심한 고통과 두려움을 느낀 적이 있어 이번 도전이 유독 힘들게 느껴지고 설상가상으로 무릎의 상처 때문에 염증이 생겨 항생제까지 복용하게 되는데...