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Season 1

  • S01E01 Danger Beyond The Horizon

    From the harrowing experience of the 2020 Texas blackout, to the shocking sinking of the Titanic in 1912, to the infamous Bhola Cyclone of 1970 that took over 500,000 lives, to the catastrophic world changing Krakatoa volcano eruption of 1883, and the deadly outbreak of Ebola in West Africa in 2014. This episode of Mapping Disasters explores what happens when humanity does not prepare for the worst that mother nature can unleash, and how we can better prepare for the disasters of tomorrow.

  • S01E02 The Topography Of Terror

    This episode of Mapping Disasters takes viewers on a journey through some of the most catastrophic events in human history. From the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to the Great Smog of London, the Quebec Ice Storm of 1998, The destruction of Pompeii, and the 1138 Aleppo Earthquake. This episode explores disasters can forever impact and change communities – for the better or worse. From this examination, we gain powerful new insight into how these disasters came to be and how we can better design and construct our communities to meet the dangers of the future.

  • S01E03 Built To Fail

    This episode of “Mapping Disasters” showcases some of the worst catastrophes in history. From the Liverpool Blitz of 1941 the cataclysmic Banqiao Dam collapse, the devastating Haitian Earthquake, the brutal Australian Wildfires of 2019, and the potential society ending Carrington Event, this episode examines the human experience of catastrophe, and the lessons learned from these disasters. Through expert analysis, CGI models, and breathtaking archival footage, we gain powerful insight into the conditions that caused these disasters and how to strengthen our world.

  • S01E04 The Contours Of Destruction

    From the Hindenburg disaster to the Iceland Eruption, Chornobyl, the Dust Bowl Drought, and the Cascadia Earthquake, the episode of “Mapping Disasters” highlights the science and engineering behind these events, the challenges faced by those on the ground, and the lessons learned for the future. Through expert analysis, and stunning visuals, powerful insight are gained on the impact of these disasters on communities, the importance of emergency preparedness, and the ongoing efforts to prevent similar events from happening in the future.

  • S01E05 The Meridian Of Doom

    On this gripping episode of “Mapping Disasters” a team of experts break down some of the most significant natural and man-made disasters in history. From the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami to the Suez Canal blockage, California Wildfires of 2020, 1970 Yungay, Peru Avalanche, and the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima, the series highlights the science behind these events, the challenges faced by the survivors, and the lessons learned for the future. Through expert analysis, historical accounts, and astonishing archival footage, this episode offers a unique and powerful perspective on the human experience of disaster, the impact on communities, and the ongoing efforts to prevent similar events from happening ever again

  • S01E06 When The Levees Break

    In this episode of "Mapping Disaster," we explore the aftermath and impact of disasters such as the Halifax harbour explosion, one of the worst man-made disasters in history. Hurricane Katrina, a natural disaster that caused widespread devastation and highlighted the vulnerabilities of emergency response systems. The Listeria outbreak of 1985, and finally the Lake Nyos tragedy. Through these stories, we highlight the importance of disaster preparedness, the need for effective emergency response systems, and the ongoing efforts to prevent similar disasters in the future.