Young Merchant pays a visit to the Crimson Scholar's villa and by her instructions, Elder Sister Maid tries to impersonate her with the magical ring, but is unable to deceive him. Hero then intervenes and takes him to the Demon realm where he shows him that the now liberated Gateway City became a thriving metropolis inhabited and ruled by humans and demons alike and have the Fire Dragon Princess hold a banquet to them, where he offers him the right to explore the commerce in the city in exchange to help in his and Demon King's efforts. Meanwhile, the Queen has a short meeting with Female Magician at the Royal Library, before entering into the ritual chambers, instructing Head Maid to kill her should she loses her sanity in the process. Back at the villa, Female Knight offers herself to be properly knighted by Hero in a sign of offering him her eternal loyalty, to which he reluctantly accepts. The Winter King is visited by a representative of the church who orders him to hand over Crimson Scholar, who was branded as a heretic and her teachings blasphemous by the newly elected Pope himself, and he rushes to the villa with Archer to warn the others. To protect the Winter Kingdom from further problems, Hero comes up with a plan, by having Elder Sister Maid, disguised as the Scholar, handed over to the church just to be rescued by Hero in a later occasion.
학사의 모습으로 변신한 메이드 언니의 정체를 간단히 간파한 청년상인의 모습을 보고 용사는 자신이 직접 나서기로 한다.
그는 청년상인을 데리고 가슴파티를 하자며 마계로 전이해버리는데...
Young Merchant hace una visita a la villa de Crimson Scholar y, siguiendo sus instrucciones, la Hermana Mayor Maid intenta hacerse pasar por ella con el anillo mágico, pero no puede engañarlo. Hero luego interviene y lo lleva al reino de los Demonios, donde le muestra que Gateway City