Several months had passed since Hero's departure and Female Knight moved to the villa to teach swordsmanship to the Crimson Scholar's students. A member of the Trade Alliance, Young Merchant, pays a visit to Crimson Scholar and she introduces to him another crop then unknown in the Human Realm, corn, claiming that it will help boost mankind's food production even further. Before leaving, he proposes to Crimson Scholar much to her embarassment. With half a year since Hero left to the Demon Realm, the Queen's anxiety increases, unaware that he has made use of his teleportation skill to return regularly to the villa behind her back, a fact only known by Chief Maid, to whom he confesses that he refrains to meet her out of his drive to become useful to her. Meanwhile, the southern nations are assembling a huge naval force to recapture Aurora Island, the only territory in the human world in possession of the Demon Army.
용사가 없는 동안 ‘언덕의 저편’을 보기 위한 노력을 계속하던 마왕은 드디어 상인 동맹과 교섭을 하게 된다. 그리고 상인들에게 완전 새로운 형태의 장사에 대해 설명하기 시작하는데...
한편, 제왕국에는 원정군 없이 전쟁을 하라는 중앙대륙의 지시가 내려온다.
Habían pasado varios meses desde la partida de Hero y Female Knight se mudó a la villa para enseñar esgrima a los estudiantes de Crimson Scholar. Un miembro de la Alianza Comercial, Young Merchant, visita a Crimson Scholar y ella le presenta otro cultivo desconocido en el Reino Humano, el maíz, alegando que ayudará a impulsar aún más la producción de alimentos de la humanidad.