A lively telenovela that brings the juicy stories from the world of modeling - scandals, novels, intrigues and dirty secrets. The plot focuses on the story of the owners of the two leading agencies in the field, who are trying to settle an unresolved account.
Mary arrives accompanied by two police officers to Keren's house; Tomer tells Picho that he made an accident because a religious girl jumped into the road; Moran announces at the press conference that she has left Nava's agency.
Eric and Dana find the body and Dana communicates with the research; Nawa sees on TV Tomer’s inappropriate response and is disappointed; Harush informs Jubilee that the death was caused by cardiac arrest and requires Jubilee to close the case.
Keren sees Amit and Natalie embraced; Karen informs her colleague that she is going to Safed and will stay with her mother and not sure that she will be attending the ceremony the next day; Moish informs Carla that she will not conduct the ceremony alone; Tomer wants Nofer to move to Nava's and his agency so they can really be together; Photographer Pepperzi taking Natalie gives a colleague a small kiss.
Nofer tells Tomer that she decided to go with him and leave Eric's agency; Mary and Karen arrive at Herzl; Natalie realizes that a colleague went out for a drink; Carla hears the moderator tell Moish that she is a plank; Tomer looks for Nofer in Herzl's boutique and accidentally sees Mary without clothes.