Adam is up against the "Manimal Challenge" at the Tradewinds Cafe. The challenge calls for scarfing down, in 20 minutes or less, two dogs, an order of fries, an eight-patty cheeseburger with grilled onions, a can of Moxie and a one-pound butter pecan milkshake that contains coffeecake.
Adam Richman ist im Mekka der Leuchttürme und Hummer: Portland, Maine. An der Felsenküste zieht er sich frischen Hummer und dekadente Burger rein. Dann lässt er bei der „Manimal“-Challenge das Tier raus!
Adam fa tappa a Portland, in Oregon, allo Stepping Stone Cafe. Questo locale è famoso per le colazioni che includono i 'mancake', ovvero degli enormi pancake.