It can be the greatest pitfall of the social year. And it can be followed by a 12-month hangover. It's a month now since the paper-chains came down, but if your secretary hasn't spoken to you since, it's a fair bet that you had a good time at your office party. Traditionally, it's the one night of the year when the firm's hierarchical structure, that normally so rigidly holds sway, totters. Reporter Gillian Strickland and a Man Alive team took a typical office and filmed the preparations for the annual party, the spree itself, and the aftermath. Here is the answer to every question a stay-at-home wife has ever asked; and here is the party from differing points of view: the young secretary in her first job; the executive who doesn't want to drink with the people he works with; the lady in accounts who once knew a more elegant style of party giving - and the bosses who foot the bill.