Actress Margi Clarke looks back on the BBC’s popular 1980s comedy drama series Making Out, written by Debbie Horsfield. Acclaimed for being a celebration of working women in the north of England, the series followed the ups and downs of life on the factory floor at the fictional New Lyne Electrics building in Manchester. Margi returns to the hotel where the cast and crew stayed while filming, reveals a selection of behind-the-scenes stories and shares her memories of playing Queenie, the brassy blonde who took no nonsense from the bosses while taking everything she could get from the system.
Rex is losing his grip on the business and his marriage to co-director Stella. Donna, heavily-pregnant, takes up natural childbirth classes, Pauline becomes very "grren" conscious, and Jill is having to cope with Husband Ray's new girlfriend. Norma spots severe discrepancies in the accounts and a dodgy stock of solvent spells trouble for the workers on the factory floor, especially Donna.
Rex has to face a disgruntled workforce when the company's wages account is grossly overdrawn, and Stella and Norma are forced into an unwilling alliance to salvage what they can with the VAT putting the pressure on. Queenie's husband Chyunky has a hare-brained idea for making money, and Jill has an embarrassing time at her daughter's 15th birthday party.
Donna is getting worried about her husband Gordon's mystical union with Willow, and Queenie advises her to give him a taste of his own medicine. Jill is finding life difficlt, and her two children seem to be drifting into their own worlds. Bernie and Carol May have taken up Norma's offer of a partnershipin the company, but Carol May's previous workmates are increasingly hostile to her new management status. Frankie attempts to get romantic with Pauline.
Carol May suffers from husband Colin's irrational behaviour and violent outbursts, and Norma reveals that she has given up men. Pauline is coming to terms with her breast cancer, and Queenie and Donna are back at work, with Bernie running the new creche, much to Norma's horror. Jill tries to sort out her own domestic life with Swedish tennis coach Axel and deal with her 16 year old daughter's request to marry a young Asian businessman.
Pauline is battling with her illness and, with the support of her colleagues, is determined to live as normal a life as possible. The chance to take part in the dance team is one she will not pass up, especially as Tommy Docherty is awarding the £2,000 prize. Queenie, is still struggling to admit the truth about her long-lost son- the child she had at 16. Carol May has won a three-year order worth £450,000 to the company, and is facing up to the reality of her husband Colin's breakdown and his return home. Norma is torn between her career and her girlfriend Trina, who is moving to London. Gordon is moving back with Donna, while Jill abandons her Swedish tennis ace for a more settled existence.