All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Animation Art / Pottery

    • October 10, 2002
    • Summit Film

    Before the age of CGI, TV cartoons were hand drawn. Each frame was a beautiful work of art. If you like art, this collection of ancient and modern pottery will astound you. See the masterful use of color by artists old and new.

  • S01E02 Baseball / Boardgames

    • Summit Film

    Whether it’s out on in the field or in the comfort of your own home, everyone loves games. Check out these two incredible collections of baseball memorabilia and antique board games.

  • S01E03 Coney Island / Black Americana

    • Summit Film

    Some collections are so unique that you can only find them here! Check out this wonderful collection of Coney Island antiques, including original signs and ride pieces. In the second half, discover the unique and evolving world or black americana.

  • S01E04 Campaign Items / Snow White

    • Summit Film

    Every presidential campaign has left its mark on history, but someone has a piece of every single one. In the second half of the show, see a collection of one of the most cherished stories of all time, Snow White.

  • S01E05 Model Trains / Cameras

    • Summit Film

    This father/daughter team are some incredible collectors. With thousands of pieces in their home, they make a strong case that the “collecting” gene can be passed down through generations.

  • S01E06 Houdini / Statue of Liberty

    • Summit Film

    Two iconic American legends, one forever immobile, the other a master of mobility and escape. See some of Houdini’s actual performance props as well as pieces of Lady Liberty herself.

  • S01E07 Zeppelins / Dollhouses

    • Summit Film

    Airships were an incredible feat of technology that unfortunately never “took off”, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there still fascinated by them. On a smaller scale, literally, we see the incredible miniature world of Dollhouses.

  • S01E08 Tools / Posters

    • Summit Film

    We take modern day tools for granted, but once upon a time, things like the drill were powered by hand. You walk past street posters every day, but typically never look at the beautiful artwork that went into them.

  • S01E09 Arms and Armor

    • Summit Film

    Meet Greg Martin, a man who has spent over half a century amassing one of the world's most important collections of arms, armor, and historic memorabilia, featuring thousands of firearms and remarkable artifacts.

  • S01E10 Folk Art / Napoleon III

    • Summit Film

    After 30 years of collecting American Folk Art, Ralph Esmerian is looking for a place to put it all! The Vice Chairman of Forbes Inc., Christopher Forbes, has amassed a collection of Napoleon III artifacts so vast, it’s spilling into his workplace.

  • S01E11 Superman / Batman

    • Summit Film

    It’s a battle of epic proportions as two of of America’s greatest superhero collectors go head to head! It’s the man of steel against the caped crusader, who’s collection will emerge victorious?

  • S01E12 Slot Machines / Oddballs

    • Summit Film

    The best thing about being a slot machine collector is that you have the key to the back door; you can never lose! Balls, spheres, orbs, round objects, see one of the most unique collections in the world: Oddballs.

  • S01E13 Classic Cars

    • Summit Film

    Millionaire, adventurer, and bestselling author. Clive Cussler has it all and has done it all. To the world, he’s the master of the American action adventure novel. There’s just something about these beautiful old cars that truly drives him.

  • S01E14 Demolition Derby

    • Summit Film

    For some, the thrill of driving is in the race. For derby drivers, the game is simple; last car standing wins. See these brave men and women take the wheel and smash, crash, and bash each other until only one car is still running.

  • S01E15 Roller Coasters

    • Summit Film

    Paul Drabek rode his first roller coaster when he was 5 years old, and he hasn’t stopped riding since. If he’s not in a seat flying through the air, he’s designing digital roller coasters to ride in the comfort in his home.

  • S01E16 Roller Derby

    • Summit Film

    This underground sport has been around for decades and has slowly evolved into what is present day roller derby. See these tough ladies train, compete, and rough each other up in a sport that is highly underappreciated.

  • S01E17 Civil War Reenactment

    • Summit Film

    All over the country, hundreds of Civil War enthusiasts pay homage to their forefathers in these spectacular displays. Musket and cannon blasts ring through the air, captains shout orders, and soldier charge forward to fulfill their obsession!

  • S01E18 Gliders

    • Summit Film

    Once the tow plane hits the release button, pilots are able to experience the "most free form of flying". Without any aid from engines or motors, these gliders can soar surprisingly great distances.

  • S01E19 Unknown

    • Summit Film

  • S01E20 Pyrotechnics

    • Summit Film

    When it comes to fireworks, these guys know their stuff. You will be amazed at how much time and effort goes into a 10 minute firework display.

  • S01E21 Skydiving

    • Summit Film

    These two sisters have been through some tough times, but they've found a magnificent obsession that really turned their lives upside down... jumping out of an airplane!

  • S01E22 Surfing

    • Summit Film

    Strange noises, eerie events, phantom apparitions. Who would actually seek out the things that go bump in the night? An insatiable hunger for hard evidence has this office worker moonlighting as a paranormal investigator.

  • S01E23 Surfing

    • Summit Film

    Hawaiian natives introduced the world to surfing over 200 years ago. Even though the boards of today are much more advanced than in the past, surfing is still far from easy. See a group of passionate women who live and breath for this sport.

  • S01E24 Historic Aircraft

    • Summit Film

    The Collings foundation feels that people can appreciate history better if they can live it, feel it, smell it, touch it, and participate in it. There's plenty to see, but the most spectacular is the fleet of still-flying historic aircraft.

  • S01E25 Dog Shows

    • Summit Film

    They're man's best friend, but whose best friend is best? Go behind the scenes and see what it takes to win "best in show".

  • S01E26 Unknown

    • Summit Film

  • S01E27 Barnstorming

    • Summit Film

    Performing breathtaking stunts in pristine vintage airplanes, the Flying Circus fights to keep the golden age of Barnstorming alive.

  • S01E28 Revolutionary War Reenactment

    • Summit Film

    The revolutionary war marked America's independence from England once and for all, but some people want to live it over and over again!

  • S01E29 Tattoos

    • Summit Film

    Tattoos have been a beautiful art form for thousands of years. What drives people to undergo the pain and suffering of the needle, and what keeps them coming back for more?

  • S01E30 Drag Queens

    • Summit Film

    When someone says "Drag Queen", an image immediately comes to mind. Let these performers smash some stereotypes and show you what's behind the curtain.

  • S01E31 Stunt Cycles

    • Summit Film

    The Ives family is not your normal family. Their days are spend in the backyard, working together on a death-defying passion. Whether it's off a ramp or locked in a metal globe, the Ives have an unusual set of family values.

  • S01E32 Mixed Martial Arts

    • Summit Film

    This is a hobby where pain is the name of the game. These athletes eat, sleep, and breathe this sport, and they won't stop until they are champions of the world.

  • S01E33 Medieval War Reenactment

    • Summit Film

    The Society for Creative Anachronism devotes itself to recreating life in the middle ages. See archery, cooking, and the crowd favorite: full armored heavy combat.

  • S01E34 Kinetic Art

    • Summit Film

    Just as much engineering as they are works of art, these wacky vehicles must traverse pavement, water, mud, and sand to reach the finish line.

  • S01E35 Sand Sculpting

    • Summit Film

    With little more than sand and water, these sculptors transform a Florida shoreline into an outdoor art gallery. For 3 days, these artists endure heat and wind to bring their amazing visions to life.

  • S01E36 Blimps

    • Summit Film

    It's time to get bigger than life and lighter than air as we take a bird's eye view of Blimps. They come in all shapes and sizes, and growing technology may change the face of aviation history.

  • S01E37 Punkin Chunkin

    • Summit Film

    It's not pumpkin chucking, it's punkin chunkin! Whether it's air cannons, trebuchets, catapults, or centrifugal machines, the goal is simple: throw the "punkin" the furthest!

  • S01E38 Big Cats

    • Summit Film

    We're not talking about overweight house cats, these are dangerous and exotic wild animals. You can take care of one of these beasts for years, but one wrong move and you might still end up on the menu.

  • S01E39 Homing Pigeons

    • Summit Film

    Most people think that these birds are just rats with wings, running amok in urban areas. Very few realize that the common pigeon has been bred over thousands of years to fly hundreds of miles home.

  • S01E40 Lawnmower Racing

    • Summit Film

    Who says lawnmowers are just for mowing lawns? With a few modifications, your standard lawnmower can turn into a rough riding, mud slinging speed machine. Find out what makes this growing motor-sport so darn fun!

  • S01E41 Drifting

    • Summit Film

    Drifting is a new kind of sport that features cars going sideways through a course. See the incredible amount of time and money these racers put into their cars, and what it really takes to be a drifter.

  • S01E42 Falconry

    • Summit Film

    Man has been hunting with birds of prey throughout the ages. Falconers brave the winter chill, trekking through briars and dense woods to hunt with their avian companions. Few get to experience such a partnership with an incredible animal.

  • S01E43 Circus

    • Summit Film

    The sights, the sounds, the smells! For over 200 years, the circus has provided millions with good old fashioned family fun. Meet the performers who make this wonderful show their profession.

  • S01E44 Witches

    • Summit Film

    Salem has a notorious history of executing witches, but those days of discrimination are long gone. Meet the men and women who practice what they consider "real witchcraft".

  • S01E45 Zelda the Bulldog

    • Summit Film

    Sometimes, a small idea explodes into a national sensation. "Zelda's Wisdom" is a line of greeting cards that showcases Zelda the Bulldog. This is the story of how some tough times turned into a booming business.

  • S01E46 Elvis

    • Summit Film

    Elvis Presley recorded over 900 songs, sold over a billion records, and influenced the careers of some of the greatest entertainers in history. Although his life was short, he truly earned his title as the king of rock and roll.

  • S01E47 Mountain Unicycles

    • Summit Film

    As if mountain biking weren't extreme enough, these adrenaline junkies take things to the next level. By outfitting their unicycles with mountain tires, they traverse some pretty intimidating terrain.

  • S01E48 Cat Shows

    • Summit Film

    They may not be as popular, but Cats can be bred and shown just like dogs can. Meet some of the most fancy felines in the business, and the owners who raised them.

  • S01E49 Rocket Man

    • Summit Film

    The men and women in search of extreme speed will strap a rocket to just about anything, including a custom made ATV. Something is about to get broken, but will it be world records or bones?