Having finished his special training at Camelot, Takeshi returns home to find Gekkou emerging from their house with Twilight gripped in his right hand—dripping with blood. The nightmarish vision Takeshi had once seen through Twilight's power has finally come to pass. Gekkou claims that he struck down their mother in self-defense. Unable to suppress his rage at seeing his loved ones hurt any longer, Takeshi finally finds the heart to battle Gekkou decisively.
Después de terminar su entrenamiento especial en Camelot, Takeshi regresa a casa para encontrar a Gekkou saliendo de su casa con Twilight agarrada en su mano derecha, goteando sangre. La visión de pesadilla que Takeshi había visto una vez a través del poder de Crepúsculo finalmente se ha cumplido. Gekkou afirma que derribó a su madre en defensa propia. Incapaz de reprimir su ira al ver a sus seres queridos lastimados por más tiempo, Takeshi finalmente encuentra el corazón para luchar contra Gekkou decisivamente.