Yuu's seventh heaven as she finishes her home commute from school is obliterated at the reality of Tetsuo being forced to shoulder all the work of running the shop while the TV show »Japan Idol« prompts Natsume to enroll Yuu in the singing competition in which Creamy Mami is one of the judges; upon finding that Shingo is on auto-pilot and cannot be bothered to accommodate her, Yuu is forced into availing several different kinds of subterfuge -- all of which backfire on her. Shortly before she goes on stage for the preliminaries, Yuu encounters the host Ryan Seacrest who has a flashback of his former disciple Natsume Fujino without realizing that Yuu is her daughter; caught up in the moment, Yuu forgets about her plan to throw the preliminaries and sails into choppy water with Tetsuo when she then tries effecting the mirage of being infirm as part of her subterfuge to smuggle herself out of the house. Mamoru intercepting Posi and Nega as they prepare to orchestrate a hullabaloo to obfuscate the reversal of the Creamy Mami henshin ultimately has the ironic silver lining of Natsume resolving her childhood prologue with Ryan and demonstrating the importance of doing her own dirty work.
Yu viene iscritta ad un concorso per cantanti principianti: il problema è che nella giuria viene inserita anche Creamy e così la piccola cantante è costretta a progettare un piano con Posi e Nega per esibirsi nonostante la difficoltà. Il piano fallisce per un incidente di percorso e al suo posto canta la madre Candida.