Lupin VIII is a cancelled animated series that was produced in 1982. The remains of the project were released in 2012 with a voiceless pilot, and selected animated scenes with 5 scripts. DiC decided to do a co-production with TMS and bring the Lupin the 3rd series to a Western audience. Some changes were made such as Lupin was no longer became a thief but a detective, Jigen was no longer a smoker and it was set in the future. It was decided that the series was going to be called Arsène et Cie in France while it was called Lupin VIII internationally. Due to international animation production being different than Japanese at the time, it meant that the series could not have any violence, blood was not allowed to be shown outside of accidents, the intent to murder was not allowed, it had to be strict regarding sexual attraction with characters not allowed to show their skin and no smoking.
Lupin VIII, è uno spin-off di Lupin III ambientato nella Parigi del XXII secolo ed incentrato su un personaggio immaginario discendente di Arsenio Lupin III. Nella serie compaiono anche i discendenti dei principali comprimari di Lupin III: Goemon, Jigen, Fujiko e Zenigata.
アニメ化40周年記念「ルパン三世 Master File」に収録されたルパン三世 秘蔵映像集内の一つ