To make this recipe that uses pretzels as one of the main ingredients. We take boneless and skinless chicken breasts that we cut into cubes. We place the chicken into a bowl we add black pepper to it and mix. Then we take flour to coat it and coat all the chicken in the bowl. Once that is done mixing, we use eggs to dip into and coat it with the pretzels. Once all the chicken are finished being coated it’s time to place it onto a baking sheet to be placed in the toaster oven. It is going to go into the oven for twenty minutes on four hundred degrees. In the meantime, we prepare some white rice as a side for when the dish finishes cooking. Once everything is fully cooked, we take out the chicken from the toaster oven and place it on a plate. We use a bowl to mold the rice and place onto the plate while garnishing it with some parsley flakes. The chicken is then placed around the rice and drizzle honey mustard over the rice and the chicken and then serve.