All of the Miinas are captured by an alien. They must win a game of ping-pong against it or have their identities revealed. But the alien uses hypnotic powers on each Miina, which puts them in a sub-conscious state of mind to distract them from the game. But during the sub-conscious state of mind, the alien reveals that all of the Miinas, struggle with their own responsibilities and dreams. Tsukishiro realizes she's not the only one struggling. When Ootsuki plays, she counteracts the hypnotic spell by claiming she will never be defeated as long as she tried her best until the end. Tsukishiro recognizes the quote: a quote from Suirin years ago when she was Mina's age. Then, she realizes Ootsuki truly is Suirin. Ootsuki defeats the alien, but he reveals the Miina's identities anyway to every television in the world-or so he thinks-Nanashi deleted all video evidence of the Miinas. Unfortunately, the alien self-destructs the ship. Tamamushi, Satsuki and Minazuki were transported back to Earth by Nanashi, but Ootsuki and Tsukishiro are left in space. Ootsuki explains their situation, but Tsukishiro claims "she's not afraid as long as she's with Suirin" Ootsuki transports them back home.
Toutes les Miina ont été kidnappées et rassemblées dans un vaisseau spatial par un Rallyen, un alien doué au ping-pong. Ce dernier semble déterminé à révéler leurs identités si elles refusent de jouer avec lui.