LuLaRoe buckles under the weight of complaints and accusations. Retailers leave in droves. Dozens of entities file lawsuits, including the state of Washington. LuLaRoe is a small fish in an ocean of MLMs preying on the least among us. The American Dream is just as much a story of predatory profit as it is a story of the unbreakable spirits of the women and families who seek justice.
LuLaRoe cede ante las quejas y acusaciones. Las minoristas salen corriendo. Diversas entidades presentan denuncias, incluyendo el estado de Washington. LuLaRoe es un pez pequeño en el océano del marketing multinivel que campa entre nosotros. El sueño americano es tanto la historia de un beneficio depredador como la de los espíritus inquebrantables de mujeres y familias que buscan justicia.