Luis Alberto enfrenta a Soraya por fingir su embarazo y, al saberse libre, le confiesa su amor a Mariana.
Becerra informs Luis Alberto that Soraya is not pregnant, she accepts that she lied for fear of losing him. Luis Alberto confesses to Mariana that he is in love with her, when she hears this, she kisses him. Soraya is ready to take revenge on Luis Alberto and warns that she will not let Mariana have her way. Luis Alberto is beaten by a group of delinquents who argue that he must pay his debt. Elena learns that Soraya is not pregnant. Mariana manages to pass her exam.
Felipe conta a Luis Alberto que Patricia é quem está grávida e não Soraya, mas Soraya fez Patricia prometer que ela não contaria a ninguém que o teste de gravidez era dela.