En la fiesta, Mariana provoca la ira de Elena y Soraya, quienes la atacan sin piedad. León siembra a Daniela la duda de que Mariana pueda ser hija de Alberto.
Soraya complains to Luis Alberto for arriving at her event on Mariana's arm, he makes it clear to her that he is a free man, Soraya in revenge, pays to get Mariana drunk. Elena names Luis Alberto as the leader of the company's new campaign. Polo proposes to Britney. Mariana listens as Soraya swears revenge on her. León assures Elena that Mariana's arrival will change everything. Mariana, upon hearing that Guadalupe is making up a story, asks for respect and assures them that just like them, she is looking to realize her dream. Mariana discovers that Alberto's van has a bomb.
Elena acha que o Sr. Fernando está interessado em Mariana e isso a deixa muito feliz. Maikel, o repórter, se surpreende ao ver Luis Alberto chegando acompanhando de Mariana.