If you want to play devil may cry 5 on a iGPU or improve your benchmark results, you might need a specialized devil may cry 5 mod. Here's how that works and what changes it can do. #DevilMayCry5 #LowSpec #IntelHD Low end mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/devilmaycry5/mods/612 Mi podcast: https://www.ivoox.com/pantallapartida_aj_18930290_1.html Join the community: https://discord.gg/lowspec https://www.reddit.com/r/lowspecgamer Social media: https://twitter.com/lowspec_gamer Music credits: Funk Modulator Hoppop Party's Cancelled Time in the Key of Desolation Next one, for sure All by the great Roccow: https://soundcloud.com/roccow