What actually works on making H1Z1 as grafically low (and fast) as possible? Time to find out. Buy this game on G2A (and support the channel!). Just Survive: https://www.g2a.com/r/lsg_h1z1_justsurvive King of the Kill: https://www.g2a.com/r/lsg_h1z1_kingofthehill Or Search for other games to buy: https://www.g2a.com/r/lowspecgamer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The laptop used the footage for this video has the following specifications: CPU: Dual-core 1.7 GHz Intel Core i5-3317U RAM: 4 GB DDR3 VIDEO: Intel HD Graphics 4000 All gameplay footage is taken using an external video capture device. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/LowSpec_Gamer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelowspecgamer Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Plenty of songs on this video where made by this amazing guy: https://soundcloud.com/roccow You can donate games for future giveaways here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=98268775&token=Um1RlmTR