Mit Yazaka Nico im Team kann µ's nun als richtiger Club operieren. Schülerrats-Vizepräsidentin Nozomi filmt ein Video, das die Schulclubs vorstellen soll. Anschließend stellt sie Honoka eine Frage. Umi schreibt die Texte und Kotori kümmert sich um die Choreographie. Wieso ist also Honoka das Oberhaupt, obwohl sie keine konkreten Verpflichtungen hat? Als Antwort auf Nozomis Beobachtung singen und tanzen die Mitglieder von µ's, um ein neues Oberhaupt zu bestimmen. Doch wer wird das sein!?
Whilst shooting interviews for each of the clubs, Nozomi suggests to the group that they shoot a new music video now that they have more members. During the interviews, Nozomi becomes curious as to why Honoka is the leader of μ's when she doesn't seem to do anything. Thus, the discussion soon turns to who should be the leader and center in the group, but they can't decide on who is the most worthy. Thus, Niko suggests that the decision be settled by a sing and dance contest at a karaoke place, though her plan to outshine everyone doesn't go very well as everyone ends up with similar scores. Honoka then suggests that they don't really need a leader and should just have everyone taking turns to sing, although the others secretly agree that Honoka is the most leader-worthy person. As the girls complete their new music video, Nozomi prompts to Eli that she should be the one to help them.
Les filles de µ's sont désormais sept, les choses sérieuses peuvent commencer ! En parlant de choses sérieuses, elles doivent désormais choisir leur leader. Décision ô combien importante qu’elles décident de prendre après avoir déterminé laquelle était la meilleure d’entre elles.
학생회에서 각 서클 활동을 홍보하는 비디오를 제작한다.
뮤즈 멤버들은 아이돌답지 않게 쑥스러워 하면서도 솔직한 모습을 보여주려 노력하는데...
문득 리더 이야기가 언급되더니, 호노카 말고 제대로 된 새 리더를 뽑자는 이야기가 나온다.
Con la incorporación de Nico, las μ's se volvieron un club oficial. La vicepresidenta del consejo estudiantil graba a las chicas para un video que muestra los clubes de la escuela. Luego de grabarlas, Nozomi le hace una pregunta a Honoka. Si Umi escribe las letras y Kotori prepara las coreografías, ¿por qué Honoka es la líder cuando no desempeña ninguna otra función? Luego escuchar el razonamiento de Nozomi, las chicas cantan y bailan para determinar a la nueva líder.