μ's erstes Konzert in dem fast leeren Hörsaal ist beendet, und die drei Mitglieder versprechen, eines Tages vor einer großen Menge zu singen. Doch dafür müssen sie erst einmal fünf Mitglieder haben, um vom Schülerrat als Club akzeptiert zu werden. Honoka versucht sofort, die Erstklässlerin Hanayo zu rekrutieren als sich die beiden treffen, aber Hanayo rennt weg. Doch insgeheim will sie ein Idol werden. Obwohl ihre Freundin Rin sie ermutigt, bleibt sie verunsichert und kann sich nicht entscheiden. Doch dann trifft sie Maki als diese sich gerade einen der Anwerbungs-Flyer holt...
As Hanayo debates whether she should join the idol club, which needs five members to become official, she asks her friend, Rin Hoshizora, if she would be willing to join with her, although she declines as she doesn't have enough confidence in her femininity. Later that day, Hanayo visits Maki's house to return her dropped Student ID, where she explains how she'll probably have to quit music in order to study medicine and inherit her family's hospital, but says she'll support Hanayo should she decide to become an idol. Afterwards, Hanayo comes across Honoka's shop, where Umi and Kotori are also visiting as they notice a recording of their performance has gained a fair amount of views on the internet. Mentioning that even they have their flaws, the girls formally invite Hanayo to join the club, asking her to think it over. Noticing her shyness in class, Maki decides to help Hanayo learn to speak loudly. After receiving a push from both Maki and Rin, Hanayo finally agrees to join the idol club, whilst Maki and Rin also decide to join.
Depuis sa tendre enfance, Hanayo rêve d’être une star. Elle assiste au premier concert de µ's et aspire à les rejoindre, sans oser à cause de son excessive timidité. Cette situation ne convient pas du tout à Rin et Maki, deux camarades de classe, qui vont tout mettre en œuvre pour que Kayo puisse réaliser son rêve.
이전부터 아이돌을 동경해 왔던 하나요는 뮤즈의 첫 라이브를 보고 감동을 받았다.
그 이후로 아이돌 부에 들어갈까 말까 계속 속만 끓이는 매일매일.
절친 린은 계속 들어가라면서 등을 떠밀고, 거기에 마키까지 가세하는데...
A pesar del fracasado concierto, Honoka y sus amigas insisten en ser school idols. En esta ocasión van a la búsqueda de una nueva integrante.