1991. Out of the ruins of the Cold War, a dominant America finds itself in a new kind of war. A war with no true battlefield, no front lines, in which religion will be used as a weapon. It all begins with Operation Desert Storm. The Americans easily win the first Gulf War and drive Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, but they will make two decisions that fundamentally impact the future: Saddam Hussein is left in power in Iraq, while U.S. military troops remain in Saudi Arabia to ensure the region's stability. Muslims are incensed by the presence of foreigners on Mohammed's sacred land. The result will be the first attacks on the World Trade Centre in 1993, but also, and more importantly, Osama Bin Laden declares jihad, a holy war, against America in 1998. He orchestrates the attacks on the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen. Then, the biggest shock of all, September 11, 2001, the worst attack on American civilians in history.