It was Schocken the candidacy of Hiroki is officially accepted, set up a task force election, has entered the election campaign in earnest, because there is no staff have the know-how of the election, it would get stuck early.
At that time, evening clouds Mori Head of the current student council president and security appear. Because I offer to refrain from running for election to president by Osawa incident, the security forces would like to back up the campaign Hiroki instead.
Although I was wary Chisato hearing this, whether it is not there something behind ...
Fue Schocken que la candidatura de Hiroki fue aceptada oficialmente, organizó una elección de fuerza de trabajo, entró en la campaña electoral en serio, porque no hay personal que tenga el conocimiento de la elección, se quedaría estancado temprano. En ese momento, la tarde nubla a Mori Jefe del actual presidente del consejo estudiantil y aparece la seguridad.