Tony contemplates his perfect suicide and struggles with the skeletons of his past. Ian gets to know Tony and quickly develops feelings for him. Depressed Tony relies solely on a tape recorder to release his emotions about his father and ex-fiancée. At the brink of giving up on life, Tony attempts to kill himself. The two polar opposites grow closer and discover hope amid the inevitable end. Ian and Tony share a passionate divine kiss underwater. They witness the first manifestation that the world is ending, leaving them both in terror for what is to come.
Tony contemplates his perfect suicide and struggles with the skeletons of his past. Ian gets to know Tony and quickly develops feelings for him. Depressed Tony relies solely on a tape recorder to release his emotions about his father and ex-fiancée. At the brink of giving up on life, Tony attempts to kill himself. The two polar opposites grow closer and discover hope amid the inevitable end. Ian and Tony share a passionate divine kiss underwater. They witness the first manifestation that the world is ending, leaving them both in terror for what is to come.
Tony envisage son suicide parfait et lutte avec les squelettes de son passé. Ian fait la connaissance de Tony et développe rapidement des sentiments pour lui. Tony déprimé compte uniquement sur un magnétophone pour libérer ses émotions à propos de son père et de son ex-fiancée. Au bord de l'abandon de la vie, Tony tente de se suicider. Les deux pôles opposés se rapprochent et découvrent l'espoir au milieu de la fin inévitable. Ian et Tony partagent un baiser divin passionné sous l'eau. Ils sont témoins de la première manifestation de la fin du monde, les laissant tous les deux terrorisés par ce qui est à venir.