An ace pool player meets a lovely novice who chalks up a cue.
How to get your daughter to take the Pill on her swinger's tour of Europe.
An ex-wife makes matters difficult for her ex-husband who's about to propose to his new girl.
A young man decides to make his girlfriend jealous by using an inflatable doll as his date for the evening.
A young man brings his rich girlfriend home to his parents.
A teacher criticizes a student's letter.
About a lovestruck practical joker.
A shy country boy looks for a date.
A doorknob is the source of consternation for newlyweds.
A man wakes up after a hangover and does not remember anything from the night before.
A college president is confronted by a militant with designs on the secretary.
A separated couple with unseparated housing arrangements.
Conversation between a husband and wife who dress up (literally) for special occasions.
What to do when your coed daughter has a male roommate.
Tale of a husband disgruntled at his wife's modern marriage course.
How to get the attenttions of a busy husband.
A mixed-up match from a computer dating service.
Puff-Puff is a watchdog who's more trouble than he's worth to reunited divorcees.
A husband and wife each receive differing advice from other people about their marriage.
How an old flame can kindle a fire in a marriage.
An unmarried reverend and his single companion.
A roving bachelor story.
A story about a burglar and the lady he victimizes.
The dancing is anything but square at a swinging party attended by two hayseeds.
A man's ex-wife still calls him in every emergency, and so does her new husband.
A tale about a sky-diving wedding.
The hassle of finding a special bed for a tiny apartment.
Love between two shy ventriloquists who let their dummies do all the talking.
A man tries to expose a female athlete.
Three is definitely a crowd when a new bride's mother shows up to spend the night in the happy couple's room.
A divorce shower complete with everything for the newly single man -- including two new young ladies.
The end of a marriage is marked by a divorce sale.
Two comedy writers try to meet a deadline, but the finacée of one is not very understanding.
A mountain retreat honeymoon, but hubby's mind is on the money hidden there.
If anything breaks up the marriage of Rob and Pat, it will be Rob's all-consuming love for his new sports car.
A bachelor lays down the law to his overprotective mother.
Five-foot-three Marvin Glassmire aspires to win the heart of the statuesque Sylvia.
The battle for ownership of a brass bed involves Peter, his neighbor, and the rebirth of a Collonial courtship custom of bundling.
A sensitive and embarrassingly inexperienced teenager is railroaded into taking home a very worldly waitress.
A widower, Gobel, goes to a medium, Vance, to communicate with his late wife. When he becomes engaged to a young woman the medium does some checking on fiance.
Ways to wriggle out of a marriage proposal.
How to solve the troubles of a month-old marriage.
A recipe for marital bliss: fight a lot.
A big-time gangster uses strong-arm methods to keep men away from his 19-year-old daughter.
To stop paying alimony, an executive pays an underling to marry his ex-wife.
A little guy loves a woman who likes big, mean men.
A straight-laced matron finds her husband at a topless restaurant.
A man has difficulty trying to unlatch an armored chastity belt after he puts it on.
A married man gets involved with another woman.
A surprise visit from Adam West starts a tug of war between a husband and wife who have different matchmaking ideas.
An eagar lad's visions of seduction pale before his date's hangups on organic foods and great causes.
An executive cracks under the strain of working with an ultra-attractive secretary.
A jealous husband wants to know where his wife got the material for her sexy best seller.
A teenage couple attempt to be sophisticated when they check into a motel.
A happily married man tries to live down his reputation as King of Swingers.
Coed-dorm life is a real eye-opener for student Stanley Stein. And so is his roommate.
When his son flunks sex education, a painter of nudes figures it's time for a talk with the teacher.
A loser in love and a loser in life contemplate taking a loss together: a big leap off a high building.
Janine doesn't date single men, so Zack pretends to be married -- and the father of two children.
When to say ""I do"" creates turmoil in a nurse-intern romance.
Nice guy Freddy gets into hot water when he helps a shapely neighbor fix her faucet.
Two squabbling business partners seek unusual help: a marriage counselor.
An odd wedding.
A boyfriend is upset when his girl allows a male neighbor to sleep in her spare bedroom.
A young woman realizes that her grandmother is living with a man.
There's a very real fly in the ointment of a marriage: the wife keeps one as a pet.
A couple enjoys a game of make-believe spending.
The American-bred son of a Middle Eastern ruler is given two fiancees.
Trevor has his business-trip accomodations in a swinging singles apartment. Then his wife arrives to cheer her supposedly lonesome hubby.
Hell hath no fury like a minister scorned -- and forced to perform the nuptials of his beloved.