This episode, Lost Ships: Gallery of the Gods features an expedition to find a sunken Roman ship: In 88 B.C., when the Romans considered the Greeks their slaves, the Greeks decided to stage a rebellion. Rome sent its most powerful general, Lucius Sulla, and an army of 30,000 mercenaries to forcefully retaliate. After attacking Athens and killing thousands of people, the soldiers plundered the city and tore apart the Olympian temple, loading its fine marble and many treasures on the ship to take them back to Rome.
This episode pertains to the search for the Agamemnon, the flagship of Admiral Horatio Nelson. On October 21, 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars, Admiral Nelson led twenty-seven Royal Naval ships against France, in a battle off Cape Trafalgar, Spain. The French lost 20 ships; the British lost none. It was the decisive battle of the war, and ended Napoleon's plans to invade Britain. England's naval superiority was established. Yet, Nelson, the battle's commanding hero, was killed by a sniper's bullet. His ghost lives on in this story of the search for the wreckage of his most powerful warship, which ran aground off the coast of Uruguay.