Jeff and Peter Hutchens begin their China journey in Chinas westernmost province, Xingjiang. Populated by locals known as Uyghars, the brothers try to learn the ways of these rough people. They begin their journey in the city of Kashgar. Located near the only passes through the nearly impassible Pamir mountains, Kashgar was the last stop before starting out on the "the Silk Road" to western markets. In Kashgar, they barter for hats in the market, obtain a Uyghar knive, attend a cock-fight, celebrate the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, and even eat goats head! On the Silk Road, the brothers buy silks, hunt for precious white jade, ride a camel caravan through the desert, and play a version of polo with a goats head. Theyll do all of this to understand the traditional and modern way of life of the Uyghar people.