1945年抗战接近尾声,日军将大批毒气弹偷偷运抵中国。军统王牌特工欧孝安,在冒死逃出毒气研究所“810”的过程中受伤,意外被同是特工的覃墨卿所救 ,醒后却发现自己缺失了近四年记忆。在揭露日军阴谋的过程中,欧孝安与覃墨卿频频联手,最终撕掉了日本特务的假面,并同时认定了自己地下党的身份。然而更大危机也在等待着他们,“ 8 1 0 ”的研究资料以及藏匿毒气弹的位置到底在哪?面对重重险阻,一群奋勇直前的孤勇者又该如何战斗。
Conta a história de Ou Xiao An, um membro clandestino do Partido Comunista Chinês, que escapou do instituto de pesquisa de gás venenoso bioquímico do exército japonês e uniu forças com Tan Mo Qing para rastrear e revelar os segredos da pesquisa bioquímica do exército japonês e expor a verdadeira face dos espiões japoneses.
On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ou Xiaoan (Huang Jingyu), an underground member of the Communist Party of China lurking in the Military Control Commission, successfully escaped from the prison of the Japanese biological and chemical gas research institute. He was seriously injured and unconscious on the way. He was found and rescued by the Chinese Expeditionary Force. After waking up, Ou Xiaoan found that he had lost his memory of nearly four years in prison.