In the first episode, Michael runs a series of tests to find out just how badly lockdown has affected his volunteers' health, before creating a bespoke diet plan for the 21 days. He also tests misconceptions of what a healthy BMI looks like, and explores the cutting-edge research which indicates ties between BMI and survivability from Covid-19.
It is week two of their very low-calorie diet and the volunteers' tempers are beginning to fray, but Michael gets them doing high-intensity work-outs and yoga. He also explores the connection between obesity and inflammation and the role it is thought to have in almost every major disease and illness, and Michael's wife, author Dr Clare Bailey, shares recipes and food tips that help to build and maintain muscle.
Dr Michael Mosley reunites five volunteers, whose health he helped transform in Lose a Stone in 21 Days with Michael Mosley, in a bid to myth-bust some of the common misconceptions around healthy weight management. Using cutting-edge tests and technology to illustrate that the calories our volunteers actually need day to day, could be different to the NHS's recommended daily amounts, the show investigates whether weight loss inevitably leads to putting weight back on again, and explores whether exercise is as helpful as we think. There is also bespoke advice to each volunteer on how to achieve a healthy weight for the long term.