One of Birr's many treasures is a manuscript dating from 1666 which features the earliest known Irish Potato recipe, a Potato Pie, filled with potatoes, rosewater, currants, raisins, orange peel, cinnamon, white wine, egg yolks and sugar! Birr Castle Dorothy Parsons' Book of Choice Receipts, 1666 First Course Marrow Pudding Bisk An Oleo Pease Porridge Grand Sallet Second Course Baked Pheasant Potatoe Pie Spinach Tart To Roast a Rabbit with a Pudding in the Belly Sweetmeats Jumballs Caraway Cake Clear Jelly of Pippins
This 120 room aging mansion is home to Thomas Pakenham a passionate gardener and author of "Meetings with Remarkable Trees", who has filled the estate with exotic plants from his world travels. Tullynally Castle Menu First course White Soup Roast Shoulder of Mutton Soused Turkey like Sturgeon Side dishes Boiled Cauliflower Sallad Water Souchy for Perch Second Course Pidgeons à la Braise Calf's Foot Mince Pies Cheesecakes Lamb Bits Lemon Pudding Apple Snow
99 year old dancing Sir Jack Leslie and his niece Sammy have saved Castle Leslie from dilapidation and returned it to its former glory. Castle Leslie Menu First Course Mulligatawny Soup Baked Pike with Stuffing Boiled Turkey with Celery Sauce Haunch of Venison Side Dishes Vol au Vent Béchamel Sweetbreads Braised Tongue and Spinach Cutlets with Tomato Sauce Oyster Patties Second Course Dressed Rabbit Cabinet Pudding Fondeau Side Dishes Wine Jelly Gateau D'Pomme Noyeau Jelly
Sheelyn and Alannah Browne are direct descendants of Grace O'Malley, The Pirate Queen, these career women are steeped in the romantic lore and the dramatic historical significance of their home. Westport House Menu First Course Crayfish Soup Salmon au Court-Bouillon A Battalia Pie Oyster Loaves Fried Artichoaks Neets Tongue Toasted Second course To make a fine dish of Lobsters Fricassee of Rabbits Roasted Woodcocks Calf's Foot Jellies Mince Pies of Eggs Whipt Syllabubs Rice Fritters
Sir Brian Henry Mulholland, the 6th Baron Dunleath and his Danish wife Vibse are the current residents of Ballywalter House on the Ards peninsula. Lord Dunleath's great, great, great grandfather Andrew Mulholland was Ulsters' wealthiest linen baron. Ballywalter Park Diner du 28 Nov Potage Tortue Claire Eperlans Frits Sce Huitres Salade de Homard a la Turque Bombe de Dinde a la Chipolatas Filet de Boeuf a la Jussienne Poulets Bouille Sce Persil Souffle de Crème de Riz Sce d'Orange Froid Anges Sur Cheveaux Mousse au Marasquin Glace
The Keane family are descendants of an old Irish family, the O'Cahans of Co Derry, who lost their lands in the Ulster Plantations and were resettled west of the Shannon. This didn't prevent the torching of the house in the 1920s when a later family member was targeted for serving as a senator in the new Irish Free State. Cappoquin House Menu First Course Pease Soup A Pig Matelote A Collar of Fish in Ragoo Potato Pudding A Ragoo of Ox Palates Dressed Broccoli Kidney Beans Kickshaws Second Course Roast Ducks Tripe á la Kilkenny Collared Beef Macaroni A Hedgehog Asparagus
Alex and Clare Durdin-Robertson farm and work the estate which has been their family home since the 17th century – Paul Flynn and Derry Clarke serve up a sumptuous feast that includes a whole roast pig on the spit, boiled goose and sheep’s feet! Yum… In the kitchen, Paul is pushed to the limit by a lengthy – and frequently baffling – 17th century menu, while Derry has to get hands-on, butchering a lamb in Murphy’s Butchers in Tullow and fruit picking a Malone Fruit Farm in Ballon.
Fred Madden’s great great grandfather traversed the globe before turning his attention to the upgrading of the family home in Monaghan which Fred’s father Johnny Madden refers to as an iced-cake. Derry Clarke holds the ladle for the recreation of a hunt supper from 1908 featuring such delicacies as Pudding à la Diplomate and Turkey boiled with oysters. Paul hunts for a herd of wild pigs on an island in Lough Erne with Pat O’Doherty, producer of the famous Fermanagh Black Bacon, gets a lesson in cheese-making at Corleggy Cheese in Belturbet, Co Cavan, and collects a special order of cockscombs and turkey testicles for one of Derry’s less appetising recipes.